Acupuncture in Alameda

Sick of popping pills for your health complaint? The natural pain relief, stress relief and health boosting benefits of acupuncture and other forms of Traditional Chinese medicine could help. 

What is Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) comes under the broader umbrella of Traditional Medicine in China. The underlying philosophy of TCM is that your vital life force (Qi) has to be balanced and that any imbalance in your flow of Qi (or chi) can negatively affect your health. TCM works to rebalance this flow of energy in your body. 

Acupuncture is just one aspect of TCM, but there are several other therapies that your practitioner may recommend. Cupping, herbal medicine, gua sha (skin scraping with a massage tool to relax muscles and help tissue drainage), tui na (medical massage), diet and lifestyle counseling and other aspects all fall under the TCM umbrella.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is based on the centuries-old empirical evidence that your body has over 2,000 pressure points, all connected by pathways (or meridians). These pathways create Qi (the energy flow mentioned earlier). Stimulating these points sends a signal to the deeper body systems, simultaneously improving the flow of Qi around the body and correcting your health issue. 

Acupuncture involves penetrating the skin with a very fine, disposable needle on select pressure points. 

The thought of needles might put you off, but you’ll be glad to know that patients experience little to no discomfort during treatment. You may feel pressure as the needles are inserted, but the treatment should not hurt. To ensure the treatment is done correctly, you should always visit a qualified practitioner – and who better than your local acupuncturist right here in Alameda?  

Why Needles and Tea?

Here at Needles and Tea, you can rest assured that an expert is treating you. I am a California Licensed Acupuncturist, hold a Master of Science Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and have several professional certifications. Aside from my qualifications, I will listen to your health concerns in a compassionate way and create a personalized plan just for you. 

So if you’re looking for the best acupuncture in Alameda, then look no further! 

How can it help me?

If you are reading this, you are likely to be suffering from a condition from which you are looking for some form of relief. Perhaps you are suffering from RSI, sciatica or migraines? Maybe you are looking to boost your immunity as you suffer from seasonal allergies or sinusitis? You may be struggling with infertility and want to try a natural fertility treatment.

Can it help my pain? 

Acupuncture is very effective in treating all type of pain, no matter what the root cause. If you suffer from any of the following conditions, acupuncture’s natural pain relief could help you.

  • Migraine
  • Hip pain
  • Joint pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Wrist pain
  • Repetitive Strain (RSI)

Acupuncture relieves pain by helping the release of endorphins, your body’s pain-killing chemicals, into your muscles, spinal cord and brain. Treatment also stimulates your body’s natural ability to heal. 

It is important to remember that acupuncture is not a quick fix, and it may take several treatments before you see a noticeable decrease in your pain levels.  However, many patients experience a noticeable decrease in pain during or shortly after their first treatment session.

Can it help my fertility? 

Acupuncture may not seem like the obvious path to follow if you have infertility problems, but there is evidence supporting acupuncture being an effective treatment in this area. 

The theory behind fertility acupuncture is that it can work in three ways;

  1. By stimulating the release of chemicals (neurotransmitters) that send messages to the brain relating to your reproductive organs.
  2. By stimulating blood flow to the uterus, which could help embryo implantation.
  3. By boosting the production of chemicals that lower stress hormone levels.

If you are embarking on IVF or IUI, then a course of acupuncture could prove beneficial. It can also help to relieve some of the side-effects of fertility drugs such as bloating and nausea. 

Acupuncture could also ease the symptoms of other conditions that may affect your fertility, such as PCOS, fibroids and endometriosis. Acupuncture is widely reported to help relaxation, which in turn could help your chances of conception. 

If you are tracking your LH and FSH levels to aid conception, then having acupuncture on specific days of your cycle could help. The most effective times to receive treatment are:

  •  During your cycle’s follicular phase (days 5-8 if day 1 is the first day of your period).
  • The day of ovulation as well as the day before and the day after.
  • During implantation time (6-10 days after ovulation).

This means that you would be having acupuncture several times a month.

With regards to male fertility problems, acupuncture may help improve sperm health, including motility and mobility. 

Can it help my immune system? 

Suffering regularly from immunity-related complaints such as sinusitis and allergies, as well as colds and flu, can have an impact on your quality of life. As is the case for many health complaints, low immunity can stem from high stress levels, and acupuncture works to both reduce stress and balance the immune system. 

By increasing the number of immune cells in your body (T-cells and white and red blood cells), acupuncture can boost your body’s natural defenses, making you less likely to suffer from immunity-related complaints. It also stimulates the body’s release of oxytocin which helps alleviate stress. 

If you suffer from hayfever or recurring colds and are sick of popping pills in a vain attempt to relieve your symptoms, then embarking on a course of acupuncture may be just the solution you’ve been looking for. 

I’m interested! How do I speak to someone and book a free consultation?

If you’re ready to schedule an appointment, click here to book online. If you prefer to start with a free phone consultation, you can reach me at, or (415) 640-2341 during business hours. Please note I am often treating patients during the day, but if you leave a message with your best times to call back, we should be able to connect!

Benefits of a consultation

Maybe you’ve been reading this and nodding along and now want to learn more. Reading about your health complaint and possible treatments on the internet is one thing, but speaking to a licensed professional about your health concerns is even better: you’ll get a feel for the practitioner and if they can help you.

Benefits of in-person treatment

I understand that many people feel nervous at the thought of acupuncture or any form of traditional medicine, but I am here to put your mind at rest. By performing an overall health assessment, I can compile a personalized health plan that will enable us to start tackling your health issue together. Your plan may include acupuncture as well as other treatment modalities to get you the best results possible. 

Our location

We have recently moved buildings, but are still easy to find in downtown Alameda at the Mash Building, 2447 Santa Clara Avenue, Suite 209.

If you’re looking for the very best care possible with acupuncture, look no further than your friendly, neighborhood acupuncturist right here in Alameda! Book your first appointment or contact me for a free consultation today.